Thai Fragrant Red Curry Soup with Tofu Puffs.

Preparation time
15 mins
Cooking time
20 mins
Super Easy
4 people
Meal course
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Posted on
2 Tbsp hpd
Red Curry Paste
400 mililiter
coconut cream
1 1/2 litres
Boiling Water
1 Tbsp hpd
Massel Chicken style Stock Powder (vegan)
2 whole
Kaffir Lime Leaves
6 whole
Tofu Puff Squares
1 sliced
Red Onion
1 sliced
Bok Choy
1 medium
10 sliced
Baby corn (fresh)
1/4 large
1 handful
1 handful
1 tsp
Sunflower oil for stir frying
400 gram
Medium flat rice Noodles (dried)
2 whole
1 handful
Fresh coriander (cilantro)
Thai Fragrant Red Curry Soup with Tofu Puffs.



Thai Fragrant Red Curry Soup with Tofu Puffs.

Thai food is one of my favourite oriental cuisines, but in North Wales,UK, I have yet to find a Thai restaurant, so we have to make do with making it ourselves!

This soup actually tastes pretty good, if I say so myself!
It makes a big difference, when you are using a pre-made Thai curry paste, to add extra ingredients, such as Kaffir Lime Leaves when the soup broth is cooking, and a squeeze of lime juice over the served soup before eating- it’s gives it an extra zing, and stops it tasting bland.

Make sure you thoroughly check the ingredients of the curry paste you are purchasing, as some do not have dried shrimp and fish sauce in them, and others do!

The soup is quick and easy to make and will take about 20 minutes in total.
Making it into a soup with a broth element rather than with just straight coconut cream, reduces the fat dramatically (although it still has plenty!) and allows you to enjoy all the flavour, with less calories.





Here is a link to a thread on the Massel stocks I used in the recipe.
They are the nicest stock I have used and are completely Vegan and Gluten free, and even have an Garlic and onion free option too!


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Katrina Stuart, founder of and passionate plant-based/vegan foodie. Innovator, gourmet, gastronome and expert cook, baker and chocolatier. Mother of four equally passionate and discerning foodies.

Thai Fragrant Red Curry Soup with Tofu Puffs.


2 heaped tbsp Red curry Paste
400 ml coconut cream
1.6 litres boiling water
1 heaped tbsp Massel chicken style stock
2 Kaffir lime leaves (dried)

6 tofu puff squares,quartered
1 Red onion,(cut into thin wedges)
1 bok choy (each leaf sliced longways in half)
1 medium carrot
1/2 Red pepper, sliced
10 baby corn (approx 130 grams) sliced
¼ large courgette, sliced
I handful small Broccoli florets

400 gram Medium flat rice Noodles (dried)

To dress:
2 limes
Fresh coriander


Boil 1.6 litres of water and add it to your saucepan.

To the boiling water, add the red curry paste, Massel chicken style stock powder, and the kaffir lime leaves and bring to the boil.

Once boiling, add your can of coconut cream and stir.
Let this cook away and develop the flavours whilst you prepare the noodles and slice your vegetables.Have a little taste once it has cooked for a while, and if you feel it needs more stock etc, please add it now.

Heat up your wok, or heavy cast iron pan, whilst you slice your vegetables, so it is nice and hot to cook in.

Boil some water to soak your dried noodles in so they are ready at the same time everything else it.

Take your Tofu puff square and cut them into quarters.

Slice your onion in thin wedges, along with slicing the Bok choy in half lengthwise and separating the leaves.
Slice all the other vegetables ready to cook.

Add a small amount of sunflower oil or similar to the pan.
By a small amount of oil, I mean as little as you can get away with.
Coconut cream already has enough fat in it without adding loads more you don’t need!

Throw in the tofu puffs, onions, red pepper, carrots, baby corn, and courgettes into the pan and Stirfry.
Once cooked a little throw in the Broccoli, and add a few spoonfuls of the broth to add some steam to further cook the Vegetable ,without having to add more fat.
You are aiming for browning the veg slightly, but still leaving a little bit of a crunch, as they will further cook once the hot broth is added in the bowl, and no one likes a bit of dark green soggy Broccoli, do they- so remove the veges from the wok once it has reached this point, and set aside in a large bowl.

Check your soaking noodles to see if they are ready.
Medium,flat rice noodles need to have lost that tough stretch and be pretty much the right texture to eat, before you drain them, or they will remain too chewy. (If you are using finer noodles, you will want to drain them when they are almost right, as vermicelli etc are much more fragile and if overcooked will break apart.)

Drain your rice noodles, and using tongs, add a pile to each bowl.

Top with the stir fried Vegetables and Tofu puffs and then ladel over the Red Curry Soup.

To serve, break up some coriander leaves and scatter across the broth, as this imparts further flavour, and take a wedge of lime and squeeze over each bowl of soup.
Leave a cut wedge of lime on top of each bowl, so people can add extra lime if they’d like.

  1. Boil 1.6 litres of water and add it to your saucepan. To the boiling water, add the red curry paste, Massel chicken style stock powder, and the kaffir lime leaves and bring to the boil.
  2. Once boiling, add your can of coconut cream and stir. Let this cook away and develop the flavours whilst you prepare the noodles and slice your vegetables.Have a little taste once it has cooked for a while, and if you feel it needs more stock etc, please add it now.
  3. Heat up your wok, or heavy cast iron pan, whilst you slice your vegetables, so it is nice and hot to cook in.
  4. Boil some water to soak your dried noodles in so they are ready at the same time everything else it.
  5. Take your Tofu puff square and cut them into quarters.
  6. Slice your onion in thin wedges, along with slicing the Bok choy in half lengthwise and separating the leaves. Slice all the other vegetables ready to cook.
  7. Add a small amount of sunflower oil or similar to the pan. By a small amount of oil, I mean as little as you can get away with. Coconut cream already has enough fat in it without adding loads more you don’t need!
  8. Throw in the tofu puffs, onions, red pepper, carrots, baby corn, and courgettes into the pan and Stirfry. Once cooked a little throw in the Broccoli, and add a few spoonfuls of the broth to add some steam to further cook the Vegetable ,without having to add more fat. You are aiming for browning the veg slightly, but still leaving a little bit of a crunch, as they will further cook once the hot broth is added in the bowl, and no one likes a bit of dark green soggy Broccoli, do they- so remove the veges from the wok once it has reached this point, and set aside in a large bowl.
  9. Check your soaking noodles to see if they are ready. Medium,flat rice noodles need to have lost that tough stretch and be pretty much the right texture to eat, before you drain them, or they will remain too chewy. (If you are using finer noodles, you will want to drain them when they are almost right, as vermicelli etc are much more fragile and if overcooked will break apart.)
  10. Drain your rice noodles, and using tongs, add a pile to each bowl.
  11. Top with the stir fried Vegetables and Tofu puffs and then ladel over the Red Curry Soup.
  12. To serve, break up some coriander leaves and scatter across the broth, as this imparts further flavour, and take a wedge of lime and squeeze over each bowl of soup. Leave a cut wedge of lime on top of each bowl, so people can add extra lime if they’d like.


  1. CompuMagic said on March 30, 2016 Reply
    Is this vegan ? Wondering about the "chicken style broth" thanks
    1. katrinastuart said on March 30, 2016 Reply
      Yes! Everything I make is entirely vegan! I will add a pic of the Massel chicken style stock to the post so you can see it! It is now available to buy in the USA and the UK on Amazon,and everything they make is Vegan and Gluten free! They do a vege style, chicken style and beef style stock, along with 7's , which is a stick of cubes that are onion and garlic free! I have a post on the Plantified group about them! It is the NICEST stock we have ever tasted, and I was so excited when it became available here, as it makes such a difference to the flavour of everything compared to the average stock available! All their products are : Gluten-free Suitable for people with Coeliac Disease VEGAN No animal content Lactose-free Wheat-free Cholesterol-free Trans fat-free Preservative-free No added MSG Made using all natural ingredients Kosher certified Here is the link to the Plantified post about Massel stocks:
  2. CompuMagic said on March 31, 2016 Reply
    Wonderful, because this soup looks exactly like what I've been craving for years since I last had something similar but was not vegan back then! I love the coconut and lime mixed with the curry... I have to make this soon! Thanks Katrina!!!
    1. katrinastuart said on March 31, 2016 Reply
      My pleasure! I have also added links of where to buy in the Plantified facebook groups files, for the UK, USA and AUS so far. You can also sub out the red curry paste and do a green curry, or yellow curry soup. I also use the stocks in all of my other soups like the Hoisin stirfry soup etc, and it is SO much better than what we could get stockwise before.. We used to have to beg people to bring some packs over in their suit cases when they visited from Australia, and then ration them only for special uses so we wouldn't run out! lol! You can also make lovely gravy from scratch with them.

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