Well, you will probably get a shock receiving this in your inbox, as you haven’t received a blog post for so long! But I haven’t fallen off the face of the Earth!
If you are part of the Plantified Facebook Group, you will have been kept in the loop with this years goings on, if you aren’t then come along and join us here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Plantified/

So, firstly, apologies you have not been receiving regular blog posts!
I was blogging regularily, until it was brought to my attention that most people weren’t receiving them at all!
Each time a post was sent out, the server would crash early on, and only a few people ever received one, which was disheartening, as I had done loads of great posts for you all.
Everyone denied responsibility for the failure, and no solutions were offered, so my only choice was to find a different solution, so if you have received this post, I am pleased to say it has worked! 🙂
You will be receiving at least one blog post from me each week from now on.
Check back to the website though, to see lots of great new recipes added last year!
Despite being frustrated by not being able to sort out the problem with the Blog Posts not going out, I have been innovating all year and have a HUGE wealth of delicious recipes to release now we’re back on track!
You can also have a sneak peak at some of the recipes I have been created, that haven’t yet been released on my Instagram account, along with some favourites: https://www.instagram.com/katrina.stuart/

I will be pleased to see the end of 2016…many things have occurred that weren’t welcome in my world, including becoming pregnant with a much wanted child, and finding out it had died at our scan, which was devastating…Life doesn’t always work out as planned, and it’s not always easy…
But cooking has been one thing that has kept me sane this year, and as they say, onwards and upwards!
Your long awaited Aquafaba Mousse E-book will be hitting your inboxes in 2017, packed full of extraordinary and original desserts!
It has been much more complicated and indepth than I originally planned, but I hope you will be estatic with it!
It has been a year worth of work! haha!
The start of 2017 will also see the beginnings of a new look to the Plantified Website, with a great new layout and really easy to follow layouts for recipes etc, to make things easier for you!
Each recipe also has capability for a video to be added also, ….which leads us to the Plantified Youtube channel!!!
Come and subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/c/plantified
2017 will see the beginning of the Plantified Youtube channel, where you’ll be able to see me demonstrate all the tips and techniques in making all my recipes, along with some other fun stuff!
Well, Christmas is very near, and everyone I am sure is in full swing busyness, getting ready for the day?
I have been taking it a bit easier with the end of this year, and am soon to go on vacation with my family and try to end 2016 on a happier note, so have not been pumping out huge amounts of content to bombard you with for Christmas, I am sorry, but I do have a few lovely recipes to share with you, for you to try!
Plantified Aquafaba Gingerbread Stars make a lovely little gift for neighbours or friends.
Very pretty but fairly simple to make, so watch out for this recipe in your inbox tomorrow, and a few others to follow.
I hope you have all been enjoying the content, and the recipes I have created!
I have so much fun doing it, and sharing it with you, and I really enjoy the company of all you great guys on the Plantified Facebook group!
What a great bunch! 🙂
Thank you for supporting me!
This Christmas, I encourage you to look around and find someone you can make a difference to- whether a small little gift of something homemade they didn’t expect, or a kind gesture!
There are lots of people that feel lonely and forgotten at this time of year and random acts of kindness don’t go forgotten!
The lady old lady down the road will light up with joy when you ring her door bell and pass her a little something you made,wrapped nicely.
The homeless man on the corner will feel so chuffed that someone made the effort to pack a little hamper for him and give it to him.
Taking a moment of out our busy lives, to make a difference in someone elses, is a great gift we can give this christmas, not only to someone else, but also ourselves!
Glynis said on December 18, 2016
You are a sweetheart for sharing all your baking skills with us. Sorry for your loss in 2016, there are no words that can take that pain away. Keep the love in your heart and know that you are not alone. I hope you will have the opportunity to pass that love along, but whether yours or anothers, any child would surely be blessed to have you as a mom. Wishing you happiness for the New Year.
katrinastuart said on December 18, 2016
Thank you Glynis!
Sadly lots of people join the same boat, and you learn to live with it, but like waves in the ocean, sometimes you think you're fine, and then get hit by another when you don't expect it.
It's hard seeing your children grieve for their sibling too.. :/
I know many other people on the Plantified group also shared they have lost their babies too, and understand the loss that comes with it. xxx
Cinnamon said on December 19, 2016
Dear Katrina, I'm so sorry for your loss, and for the fact that your children were also faced with that grieving. I'm sure their hearts are as pure and gentle as your own, which makes their vulnerability all the more painful.
I hope you and your loved ones will share a peaceful and joyous holiday season; and that the New Year will bring everything you wish for, to enrich your lives and fulfil your dreams. xxooxx
katrinastuart said on December 19, 2016
Thank you Cinnamon!
It took me a month even to tell my family.
I hadn't even got to announce the pregnancy yet, I wanted to show them our first scan pic at 12 weeks but it wasn't to be.
It was too difficult to even find a way to say it, so I just kept it to ourselves, but on infant loss awareness day, i felt it was important to say something, as so many people suffer losses at all stages, and feel they can't say something or talk about it, and the amount of people that then felt able to say "This happened to me too, but I never spoke about it before" was amazing.
Unfortunately in life, sadness befalls us all in some way or another, and we can't avoid it, but talking about it with others and acknowledging the life is important!
Thanks so much for your lovely message!
I hope you have a wonderful time with your loved ones over Christmas too!
Nico / yumsome said on December 19, 2016
I am so glad to finally be receiving your updates, my friend - huzzah!
You thank us for supporting you but I feel the need to point out how much you support others; one fantastic thing that's happened in 2016 is that I have gained a wonderful friend in you. So thank *you* for being such a lovely, kind, giving human being. xxx
On giving:
Because Kevin and I really don't need much, we always ask people not to buy us presents for Christmas and birthdays, and instead donate the money to charity. Kevin generally opts for Oxfam Unwrapped, while I go for Kiva loans (we've both been making one loan each a month for the past five years - no matter how broke we are, we can find $25 each to help someone in need).
I just thought I'd mention these in case any of your other readers were interested in helping out.
Something else that's incredibly worthwhile - and very close to my heart, since I spent several years living in SE Asia, working with people below the poverty line - is Lucky Iron Fish (http://www.luckyironfish.com/), a charity which works with local Cambodian people to make little iron fishes in order to help combat anaemia, which is rife in the country.
As an anaemia sufferer myself, I know first-hand what it's like to have this often debilitating condition. Having now used my own Lucky Iron Fish for over a year, I also know how well it works! Donating a few iron fishes to Cambodian families is such a great way of helping, and since we're all here because of our love of food, it's a great way for foodies and cooks to help others to good health. :-)
katrinastuart said on December 19, 2016
Thanks Nicole! :)
I have also gained many wonderful friends through the Plantified community and appreciate everyone of them!
That's great info you gave there!
I will have a look into that too!
Radhika said on December 20, 2016
Dear Katrina,
Hugs to you.
katrinastuart said on December 21, 2016
Thank you Radhika!